
Thank you for visiting our website. For your inquiry please contact us via telephone call or the inquiry form below.

電話でのお問い合わせ Inquiry via telephone


Open from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Monday to Fruday
*Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, Golden Week Holidays, Summer vacation, and Year-end and new year holidays.

メールでのお問い合わせ Inquiry via mail

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〒770-8023 徳島県徳島市勝占町中山39-12
市岡製菓株式会社 お客様相談室 宛
■Please Note
Our reply might be delayed on weekends or national holidays. Thank you for your kind understanding.

■Your personal information
Your name, address, telephone number are only used to deal with your inquiries and our internal statistics.

市岡製菓株式会社の個人情報保護方針 ※必ずお読み下さい。
Ichioka Seika privacy policy *Please read carefully



1. 当社グループは、個人情報保護の安全管理について従業者の責任と権限を明確に定めるとともに、規程やマニュアルを整備運用し、その実施状況を確認いたします。
2. 当社グループは、従業者と、業務上秘密と指定された個人データの非開示契約を締結し、従業者に対し教育を行ないます。
3. 当社グループは、建物内への入退出の管理、個人データの盗難の防止等の措置を講じています。
4. 当社グループは、個人データおよびそれを取扱う情報システムへのアクセス制御、不正ソフトウェア対策、情報システムの監視等、個人データに対する技術的な安全管理措置を講じています。



1. 個人情報の取扱いに関しては、適切に管理し、外部への流出防止に努めます。
2. 個人情報につきましては、ご利用者の皆様の同意なく、守秘義務契約を締結する業務委託先以外の第三者に開示することはありません。
3. 法令により開示を求められた場合、裁判所、警察等の公的機関からの開示要請があった場合、あるいは当社の権利や、当社の従業員または公衆の安全を守るための緊急避難的な措置として、皆様の同意なく、個人情報の開示を行うことがあります。
4. 弊社は、お客様によりよいサービスを提供するために個人情報を取得することがあります。

Our corporate group strictly comply the privacy policy related laws and handle the personal information of the customers, the clients, and our employees adequately. Because the leakage, the falsification, the loss and the illegal use of the said personal information or unauthorized disclose will lose the trust from our customers and the clients not only to cause a great damage, we require all the employees of our corporate group to understand the importance of our privacy policy as well as to be responsible for it, and to act conscientiously in compliance with it.

Our countermeasures

1. When it comes to safety management and handling personal information, our corporate group establishes a clear understanding of responsibilities and authority among its employees and keeps the manual and regulations up to date while confirming implementation of the previously mentioned.
2. Our corporate group has all the employees sign confidentiality agreements not to disclose any personal information regarded as corporate secrets and also educates its employees regarding the matter.
3. Our corporate group manages entering and exiting the company building and discusses the conduct of personal information theft prevention among its workers.
4. Our corporate group discusses controlling personal information and the systems used to manage it, malware countermeasures, monitoring data systems and the technical aspect of safety management of personal information among its employees.

<Respect towards handling personal information and the privacy of users>

Ichioka Seika corporation respects the personal information provided by its users and works hard on protecting their privacy based on the policies stated below.

1. When dealing with personal information, we manage it adequately and work hard on preventing it from leaking outside of the company.
2. We do not allow access to personal information without the consent of users to any third party apart from subcontractors who have signed the confidentiality agreement
3. The information may be handed to a third party without the consent of users as an emergency evacuation measure in the case that it is demanded by law, the court, the police or other public facility to secure public safety.
4. Our company may use personal information to provide better service. We use the personal information acquired from inquiry forms and estimation forms to deal with the inquiries and estimation requests received from customers as well as when introducing services provided by our company. Other than this, we will use information acquired from customers in order to contact them when needed on business matters.